1A Auditor Assaulted by SECURITY 4 Filming on Sidewalk & Arrested for Trespassing in Anchorage AK 🙊

3 years ago

@Northern Corruption Monitor 907 #Hippa
Original video
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I'm One of the people and I PRESS on PRESS harder PRESS now but right now I am teaching people school so I am unable to answer your comments but you can email the 🧠 BIG BRAIN 🧠 otherwise known as Bonehead Youwish at IwantToPRESSon@gmail.com !! bonehead is the manager of the Press on page and he is the only one who can find me or pass a message to me. He is not your secretary he is my manager so he will decide if you have what it takes to get on my BIG ass PRESSER!!

Or you are welcome to simply donate to PRESS on here

@San Joaquin Valley Transparency @San Joaquin News Network @San Joaquin Junior @San Joaquin Audits @NateSkates182 @WolfyGladly: Accountability Inspector @Rights Crispy @Jays Surreal Camera @The UnderGround Auditor @rogue nation @Poor dirt farmer @Auditing Chicago @Mrs.Auditing Chicago @Jersey Watcher @The Resistance @Southeastern Pa. Community Watch @Big Nick South Florida accountability @NC TYRANT HUNTER @Carolina Auditor @CFW Carolina in Fort Worth @Accountability Angel ‎@Mass Accountability ‎@GINA’S AUDITS ‎@Arizona Auditor ‎@Susan Bassi ‎@Auditing Britain ‎@Blind Justice ‎@Breaking the Flaw ‎@Canda Press ‎@Cameras Everywhere ‎@Colorado Donkey Watch ‎@Direct D ‎@DC Accuracy ‎@THE ERIC BRANDT SHOW ‎@Lets Exchange IDs with Travis Heinze ‎@Ely ‎@Stray Dog The Exposer ‎@James Freeman ‎@John Filax ‎@Freedom from Government ‎@Freedom from Government ‎@FRICN MEDIA ‎@Good Luck America ‎@Freedom from Government ‎@Ghost Writer ‎@Great Lakes Audits ‎@The Gorilla916 @ragomonkey @Alabama Transparency @James Madison Audits @HonorYourOath Civil Rights Investigations @Hawkeye Overwatch @San Joaquin In LA @Joe Public UK @Kattila The Hun Freedom Fighter @Onus News Service @NEWS NOW OKC @Orange Man Audits @OKC Vet HPA @AUDITS OF FREEDOM @P and P News Now @Questionable Authority @Reelax Outdoors @Gavin Seim @Concerned citizens where is the constitution. @Utah CopWatch/Community watch News Network @Innocent Auditor @epic cop watch Ottawa @U People @Upstateaudits USA @UpstateNY Audits @Tom Zebra @Tulare County Cop Watch ​


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