The Clever Hansel Effect: Transhausen's by Proxy

3 years ago

The same mother from the "Visitation" episode is back to explain how her pediatrician diagnosed trans in a 3 year old. Reportedly, it's now a routine part of their checkup alongside their vaccinations. The doctor determines whether the child knows the difference between boy and girl by asking them if they're a boy or a girl. if they give no answer, they don't know the difference. if they give any answer, wrong or right, they know the difference, and therefore are coming out as a gender identity.

Clever Hans is a horse that was said to know how to add and subtract. in reality, the handler had been subconsciously cuing the horse.

The "Clever Hansel effect" is when the Clever Hans Effect specifically arises in the context of transgender children. Taken from Hansel and Gretel, a children's fairy tale about a witch who lures them in, fattens them up, and attempts to cook and eat them.

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