The Polly Pocket-Pokemon Polarity

3 years ago


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Gender dysphoria is a complex mental illness that has been hijacked by a fundamentalist religious movement that has invented all sorts of quirky ideas to explain the phenomenon of this illness. As a person who has recovered from lifelong, early-onset gender dysphoria (versus rapid-onset), I have insight into the condition, and so when I encountered the concept of a gender gremlin infestation, prior to having a sustained therapeutic process addressing the gender dysphoria, it felt like it made things finally make sense.

We are told that gender dysphoria is the result of an internal mismatch between your sense of identity and your physical body. We are told by the trans zealots, further, that we ALL have such an internal sense of identity - and most of us are just lucky. This is incorrect. The illness in gender dysphoria is the sense of gender identity, itself. That's the illness. That's what goes away with treatment. My sense of gender identity is no more. It's ceased to be. It muscled up to the bars, and *vooooom* off to the fjords for which it pined.

The propaganda is that if a "cis" (non-mentally ill) person were to wake up in the opposite sexed body tomorrow, we would have the same distress at being the "wrong" sex. This is a completely unproven and in fact unprovable hypothesis. This makes it a religious belief. In truth, it is at least just as likely that a person without gender dysphoria would be able to just adjust to their new body in a day and then otherwise go about their life, following an initial period of confusion. There's no reason to think they would suddenly develop the mental illness of gender dysphoria, just because their body suddenly changed. That's the lie we've all been sold. That's the religious belief: we're all the same, and most of us just got lucky.

Gender dysphoria is a natural phenomenon, I believe, that arises in every society, and is rooted in the fact that there are two sex classes which, in a healthy society, develop independent cultures as individuals within those sex classes seek a sense of cultural identity with people who look like them and have similar life experiences as them, due to shared biology. Some individuals within that culture will feel very alienated. They will look around and ask why.

They will not understand, being 3, why it feels awful that people treat you like you're one or the other. There is a deep sense of rejection from society, from other people, from yourself, and so it is very easy from there to develop the idea that perhaps, if you were to just be the other sex, the expectations would fit more and you would be happier. This is a hypothesis that cannot be proven until you've gone so far down the road to perdition that you can never return. You cannot run from your problems forever, though.

Ultimately, my cure came in the form of long-term, intensive psychotherapy. It rarely mentioned my thoughts surrounding gender. It was not conversion therapy, which attempts to use disgust conditioning to create an aversion to the same-sex, and does not work as sexual orientation is rooted in disgust and you cannot decondition disgust. No amount of therapy will convert a person into being someone who wants to drink spoiled milk for the taste and texture. My therapy was just talking about anything I wanted to talk about, multiple times a week, with a licensed clinician who was not a "gender" clinician, for a period of years. It was hard, expensive, and took faith that the changes were happening, even though I could not see them.

The two times it did were when I told my therapist that I had realized that her gender presentation was inspiring me to feel that she could not understand me because she wasn't in-group as proven by her appearance. The other time was when I told my therapist that I had stopped caring about whether I looked masculine or feminine that day. That it just didn't matter. And in fact it was taking time away from me, my life, and my goals. The gender dysphoria was treatable. The trans identification was a phase. I grew up and I am healed.

This episode features a member of the sect of Church of Trans Classic known as Our Lady of Perpetual Hormone Therapy. This sect believes that their is a neurobiological component to feeling like you should have been the other sex, and that, through mechanisms unknown, this requires cross-sex hormone treatment for life, often following the removal of the gonads. In it, she proves she has not spent much time thinking about why women need things like differently sized equipment. There is a desperate need to collapse the system to deal with what you believe is the cause of your distress. In reality, the cause of distress of gender dysphoria is a highly treatable mental illness, and the solution is long-term, high quality, intensive talk therapy.

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