Homogenderality: The Gender Jesuit Theory of Homosexuailty

3 years ago

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A core belief in the Church of Trans is that there is something called a sexual orientation and that this is independent of their mythical "gender identity." This is often summarized as: "Sexuality is who you go to bed WITH and gender identity is who you go to bed AS." And in the Church of Trans, who you go to bed as, can change. Gays and lesbians can be converted into happy heterosexuals. The motivation for the homophobia is ultimately aversion to the disgust that is evoked by the thought of two men or two women together. That is the theme of their policy positions. They want to be able to punish us for saying "I'm a homosexual" by harassing us, knowing they are a person we have said we do not have interest in, so that we are discouraged from announcing a general interest towards one or the other sex. We are told that it is bigotry to assume that we know in advance who we are capable of falling in love with.

They demean us by suggesting that we are only choosing homosexuality out of some fetishization of genitals, or a preference for the motifs of masculinity or frivolities of femininity. So they are working to socially engineer a world where they can pretend that all apparently gay couples are in fact secretly in some way heterosexual, that they are not homophobic because they would never go after a heterosexual couple just because it looked like a gay couple, and would never be so rude as to assume a gay couple was actually two people of the same sex, and where they can bully and harass gays and lesbians back into the closet, using our sexual rejection as a reason to be able to defame our reputations. This is rape culture.

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