Beware of Lying COVID False Prophets: Medical & Political

3 years ago

Check time markers below to navigate this documentary. 00:00 - Fair Use Notice. 00:29 - Anthony Fauci predicts a coming pandemic in 2017. 1:35 - Fully vaccinated carry 251 times of the viral load as the unvaccinated making them a health threat to others. COVID-19 is 99.97% nonfatal to those who get it. 5:39 - Biden says the unvaccinated are killing people. 8:19 - The COVID pandemic is not about a virus but of fundamentally changing the entire global culture - the Great Reset. 11:29 - Published global elites say that the earth cannot sustain more than 3 billion people thus the human population must be drastically reduced.14:51 - Federal whistleblower nurse exposes how medical facilities do not report deaths & serious side effects caused by mandated COVID vaccinations. 27:52 - 1 Timothy 6:10, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs." Ivermectin which is not an experimental drug is very effective against virus & mutant strains yet it is attacked by leftist news media as a horse paste.

32:35 - $500 to 1 trillion in money making VAX ONLY ponzi scheme for Big Pharma, Big Tech & corrupt politicians by peddling vaccines that are not effective & have horrible side effects.

34:29 - Enforced police state Australia with quarantine centers.

36:30 - COVID vaccines are actually increasing danger to the human population - "The Last Post" by Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche at .

38:53 - Injecting experimental drugs into 5-11 year olds.

38:59 - Federal workers file lawsuit over Biden vaccine mandate.

40:34 - "Catching up on the culture of death" - FDA & CDC are completely corrupted by money making thus forsaking long range heath safety studies for untested vaccines.

56:45 - Billions of vaccines have been administered. COVID variant SARS A.30 has changed the spike protein. Fauci lies again by saying unvaccinated are giving rise to virus variants.

59:12 - Experimental COVID vaccines are driving the virus variants eventually requiring boosters every 3 or 4 months with no end in sight.

1:03:44 - Dr Judy Mikovits "Plague of Corruption" - Fauci, Bill Gates, etc.

1:09:12 - Intentionally distorting the number of COVID deaths to make it appear that is worse than it actually is. Medical centers get $13,000 for each COVID death from the government.

1:14:13 - Fauci says a COVID PCR test past 35 cycles being accurate is "minuscule" (translation "worthless") yet most COVID tests are done at 40 cycles or more. In this way many people test positive for COVID when they don't have it at all. There is a Testdemic of fraud going on because money is made with each false positive.

1:18:21 - Dr Peter McCullough discusses dangers of the vaccines affecting the ovaries, fertility, the brain, the heart, directly killing unborn babies & reported 83% fetal loss.

1:26:26 - Dr Christine Northrup - the depopulation agenda.

1:32:56 - Stew Peters interviews Brittany Galvin hospitalized in serious condition after taking the Maderna vaccine.

1:40:15 - Shows 38 young people suffering side effects & death after taking COVID vaccines & boosters.

1:47:27 - More dangerous to take Covid vaccines than to actually get COVID itself.

1:57:26 - Robert F. Kennedy Jr book, "The Real Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma & the Global War on Democracy & Public Health" best seller.

1:58:57 - Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) real threat from experimental vaccines.

2:21:46 - The vast majority of Israel is vaccinated yet it has not solved their virus problems. 91% increase in acute coronary syndrome, myopericardities, paraicardities, heart inflammation rates. "No vaccine against stupidity." says well known doctor.

2:33:26 - Prevalence of contaminants in the vaccines themselves particularly Maderna.

2:39:50 - Fauci constantly lies & flip flops contradicting himself again & again & again.

2:44:19 - Dr Richard Bartlett - Fauci lies about good working medicines that help people while promoting experimental drugs from Big Pharma.

2:49:27 - Dr Vladimir Zelenko responds to "get vaccinated" propaganda. Animal tests using COVID vaccine elements have killed the animals. Being fully vaccinated does not assure anything. Bill Gates wants to reduce earth's population.

3:02:39 - Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 incredibly low based on statistical analysis.

3:09:31 - The history of pandemics in the world

3:12:55 - Man made media driven panic created on purpose by people who are making a lot of money from it. No excessive mortality rate - false COVID deaths.

3:21:29 - Crispr mRNA technology to play with genetics without any 3, 5, 7 or 10 year safety studies to see what long range side effects will be.

3:24:59 - FDA & CDC are politically corrupt & irrelevant to medical science. COVID panic is a fraud since it cannot answer this simple question, "Name a single respiratory virus that has been banished from the human experience through the use of vaccines?"

3:37:53 - Romans 13 & wicked human governments that promote evil.

3:47:42 - Are Leftists, Socialists & Globalists scientific?

3:50:58 - Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers, introduces his guest Greg Bentley of

3:58:15 - A study of COVID-19, Vatican ties, Fauci, Bill Gates, Robert Redfield, & Francis Collins.

4:03:39 - Who are the Jesuits? Even the Pope is a Jesuit.

4:12:49 - The rush to receive an experimental drug as a cure-all vaccine based on false testing & propaganda.

4:17:44 - Intentional inflated numbers about the COVID death toll to panic the population into fear driven by emotion rather than common sense. Even the CDC says only 6% of reported COVID deaths are possibly from COVID.

4:21:02 - The top causes of death in the United States before COVID was still close to 2.8 to 3 million a year regardless.

4:30:18 - Masking mandates don't accomplish anything because of the 97% penetration rate of the mask.

4:36:02 - Military medical mask study found that masks were totally ineffective.

4:36:52 - US Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams told the public to stop buying masks because they are ineffective.

4:38:50 - Masks offer no protection to the wearer. Masks may increase risk of infection. Masks may harm the wearer.

4:48:54 - The Bible condemns the wrong use of drugs. Pharmekeia occurs three times (Gal 5:19-21; Rev 9:21; 18:23). Each time, it is translated as ‘sorcery’ or ‘magic’ and it is something that is spoken of in negative terms in context. Thus bad drugs are not good for you. Trust God not bad drugs.

4:57:28 - Personal experience of working around a large number of people on a regular basis for a long time at work during the COVID panic & no one has died from it.

5:10:57 - Covid vaccines produced by different companies are not relevant or needed thus they rather appear to be some form of bioweapon as part of a huge money making scheme.

5:15:56 - Do COVID injections reduce lifespans? Analyzed by Dr Joseph Mercola & Dr Vladimir Zelenko. Scare tactics used by the leftist news media constantly employed.

5:20:19 - Transfer of wealth is massive to Big Pharma & Big Tech & their goal is global depopulation.

5:21:47 - The spike proteins are the toxins in the vaccines causing damage to the lungs, ovaries, heart, brain & other vital organs based on post investigational vaccine deaths by Dr. Ryan N. Cole.

5:30:34 - Larry's theory that the godless secular globalists have established an evil agenda based on climate change & global warming end of the world scenarios in order to save the planet by reducing the earth's population & establish communist style totalitarian government control.

5:45:40 - Proverbs 28:1, "The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, But the righteous are bold as a lion." Examples of all types of environmental end of the world frauds from Greta Thunberg to a host of other frauds & false prophets.

5:52:31 - "Will Global Warming & Climate Change Destroy the Planet Within a Few Decades?" Dr Calvin Beisner answers & refutes this question with scientific facts.

6:05:55 - The Scamdemic pushed by the lying media & politicians to perpetrate endless brainwashing. Famous singer Eric Clapton who was injured by the vaccines speaks out against the false VAX Only money making scheme.

6:14:48 - Experimental COVID vaccines kill more people than they supposedly save.

6:17:04 - Gigantic money making scheme by Big Pharma & lying politicians with statistics provided.

6:20:00 - Millions of deaths caused by Communism, Socialism, National Socialism (Nazi party), government approved abortions, myths about global warming.

6:30:59 - . The Covid panic goes away if you turn off the TV.

6:33:13 - Clip of Dr John MacArthur's sermon deleted by YouTube because he says Fauci, politicians & the news media lie constantly to promote Covid panic.

6:39:07 - . International lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich speaking of corporate criminal fraud concerning Covid

7:00:51 - Dr Joseph Mercola with Dr Robert Malone about Covid injections vs. Bioethics.

7:16:27 - Why do you need a Covid vaccination when you already have a 99.97% chance of surviving it anyway? The evil agenda is to spread fear among people with no faith in God.

7:21:34 - Wicked governments hate God & promote more evil than good from our video at .

7:29:09 - Nasal swab tests are 90% false & bad for health reasons while untested vaccines are causing injuries & deaths.

7:30:18 - Statements of 2 people who dealt with Covid in their own way.

7:36:04 - Fear & lies drive the Covid panic Plandemic. Beware of the Biologos Foundation. The list of the damned starts with "cowards" in Revelation 21:8.

7:43:35 - A dire warning of the things coming to the world when people believe frauds & deceits. Revelation 12:12, 1 John 5:19.

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