Reminder why we need a Full Forensic Audit in Michigan for the 2020 Presidential Election

3 years ago

The most impactful witnesses

This was the 2nd Hearing in Michigan held in front of Michigan House Oversight Committee and one of the main reasons, a Full Forensic Audit needs to be done for the 2020 Presidential Election for the state of Michigan.

Some of the best witnesses from the hearing!

This is the NTD News live recording of the 'LIVE COVERAGE OF Trump lawyer Giuliani appearing in front of Michigan House Oversight Committee' on 12/02/2020

Poll Challenger and Volunteer at TCF Center

Poll Challenger:
'Not in EPB/S' (Not in Election Poll Book or System'
'.. they were manually feeding it with the birth date of 1900 something ..'
'.. there only purpose there was to intimidate the GOP people and get them out'
'.. there only job I could tell there was to block the GOP people from challenging or intimidate them and get them out'

Poll Volunteer:
'.. then around 4:30 AM we had an announcement that a New shipment of ballots were arriving and these boxes of ballots were brought in by Mr. Baxter himself at 4:30 AM ..'
'.. I approximate 50,000 ballots were brought in ..'
'.. based on his sampling of a dozen duplicate ballots from 6 AM to about 2 PM the next day because he was doing duplicates, from these duplicate ballots that he observed, none of them were for Trump ..'
'Poll Workers changed Duplicate Ballots to straight Democrat ticket'
'.. I personally, eye witnessed, employees taking their pen and filling in the Democrat straight ticket, when it's not ..'
They were making Duplicates of the Duplicate Ballots
'I also witnessed Duplicates of Duplicate Ballots', '.. We were making a Duplicate, would take it back to the Tabulator and again make another Duplicate of the Duplicate ..'

Poll Challenger:
Sequential Ballot numbers
'.. they were all in sequence, these are absentee ballots mail in ballots, they cannot be in sequence, 2232 cannot have 2233 next to it ..'
'There was not even a date on those envelopes, it said November zero dash 2020 (November 0_ 2020), there was no second number there ..'
'.. Signatures were all alike ..'
'.. white people are being treated so much worse than I was ever treated ..'
'.. when the GOP people were getting escorted out, with or without handcuffs, every Poll Worker and all Democrats stood and clapped ..'

Expert Witness: Colonel Phil Waldron
643 Precincts in Michigan with a voter turn out above 80%
21 Precincts that were over 90%
10 Precincts that had exactly 100% voter turn out
6 Precincts that were over 120% voter turn out

The incremental Absentee vote punches were:
There was a big move from 6:52 on the morning of the 4th, 16,000 Absentee votes were processed
Between 6:52 and 7:49 local time on the 4th, an additional 213,429 Absentee votes were processed
At 11:15 that same morning in a time period of 8 minutes, there was 56,098 votes processed in an 8 minute period

'.. There were red flags for fraudulent activities ..'

'.. voters above the age of 80 that were registered for voting and did vote in Michigan, and 17,327 Michigan voters also had a corresponding obituary ..'

'.. noticed the number the votes cast on November 6th had changed from the tape on November 3rd, so I stated to the board that the numbers had changed, the board did not respond to my comment ..'

'.. 4 spikes that totaled 384,000 votes in a combined interval of 2 hours and 38 minutes ..'

'.. the Adjudication process, .. that process is the bottleneck in the timeline that it took to get through processing the Absentee ballots in Detroit ..'
'We did not get corrected statement of voters (so people cast) until 13 days after the election ..'
'.. 71% of those counting boards were unbalanced without explanation ..'
'Originally voted No on the Certification ..'

Explained: 'Not Re-countable'
'The problem is when you have a 106 ballots cast, people and you got a 135 in your total for your votes for the night, and if there's no explanation in the poll books how you get there, it's not re-countable and that is a problem'

He (Trump) was ahead by 300,000 votes
#2000Mules (

4+ Hour Original Source:

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