Dachshund is giving birth to her first puppy|bopurbo

3 years ago

Dog's birth behaviors are related to wolves because dogs were domesticated from the gray wolf thousands of years ago. In the wild - female wolves eat the newborn's placenta which provides a valuable meal when she is unable to hunt while caring for her pups! The mother will clean the pups by licking which stimulates them to urinate and defecate by licking the genital region. She swallows all of their excretions, keeping the den clean and odor-free.

This dog birth and development of this Dachshund breed is similar to dogs such as Yorkshire Terrier, Boxer, Schnauzer, Irish Setter, Westie Terrier, Corgi, Golden Retriever, Labrador, Poodle, Beagle, Bichon, Beagle, Shih Tzu, Collie, German Shepherd, Pomeranian, Pug, Whippet, Chihuahua, Bull, Pomeranians, Rottweilers, Golden Retriever, Doberman Pinscher, and French Bulldog. Enjoy the video>>>>>>>>>>

Video Courtesy: Outstanding Videos

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