SCP-115 | Miniature Dump Truck (SCP Orientation)

3 years ago

SCP-115 | Miniature Dump Truck (SCP Orientation)

SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.

On today’s agenda - Item number SCP-115: Miniature Dump Truck, Object class: Safe.

Note: “To anybody using SCP-115-1 for testing, I would like to remind you about Newton's Laws! Driving SCP-115-1 recklessly at high speeds is inviting disaster, and we've already had to deal with several destroyed walls and equipment due to improper handling!” -Dr. [REDACTED]

SCP-115-1 is a toy dump truck, with no identifying markers or labels to identify its original manufacturer. However, unlike regular toy dump trucks, SCP-115-1 weighs as much as the actual vehicle it represents, roughly 90 tons. It is currently unknown how the vehicle weighs this much, as analysis of SCP-115-1's composition reveals that it is made of the same commercial plastic commonly found in similar cheap-quality toys.

Proceed to begin your training.

This video is derived fromVisit us at and released under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0. Contributor: SpoonOfEvil
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