Beautiful recitation surah At Tur ayah 17 to 21 and surah Adh Dhariyat ayah 15 to 19

2 years ago

Beautiful Alquran recitation of surah At Tur ayah 17 to 21 and surah Adh Dhariyat ayah 15 to 19 during solatul Isha in Qatar with English translation.
The Imam made a slight mistake on the 1st rokaah, surah At Tur ayah 17 suppose to be - اِنَّااْلمُتَّقِيْنَ فِيْ خَنّّٰٰتٍ وَنَعِيْمٍ - Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and pleasure.

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🤲🏾 May everyone attain benefits and blessings watching this video,,, aaammmiiinnn

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