WHEN DOES THE BIBLE DAY BEGIN? Brief Recap. Answers In Jubilees 36

3 years ago

Can we know when the Bible starts its day? The Book of Jubilees is The Torah Calendar and record of such. Watch how Torah and the whole of scripture as well as Enoch it affirms it. So many have misread Genesis 1 and ignored the whole of scripture on this to land on the Babylonian Lunar Calendar of the modern Pharisees. This is the same calendar they followed in the 1st century rebuked by the exiled Temple Priests and Messiah Himself, yet we use their "historical precedence" of profaning Yah's calendar as the guide against scripture. Now that's an oxymoron. This 25-minute or so recap will pull this together, not in proof which remains in those 9 videos in which it is summing. This series would not be complete without this. For full proof, read REST: The Case For Sabbath or watch our Sabbath Series Parts 6A-G and Answers on Sabbath Parts 1-2. Again, this is a brief recap of hours of evidence and no one will debate these details they have failed to review on this channel. Our channel, our rules. Watch, test, and learn. Need more, want to know the evidence? Good. Watch those videos. You can also read the commentary in the back of The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar. Yah Bless.


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