How to Avoid a Deplatform Attack with Mark Jeftovic

3 years ago

Is the standard of justice still innocent until proven guilty? Cancel culture does not seem to think this to be the case. Listen up to learn:

How to protect your company from cancel culture
Why companies may have their website shut down without cause
Other parts of attack prevention

Mark Jeftovic, the author of Unassailable, shares his first-hand experience with cancel culture and how to mitigate your risk.

Cancel culture has begun to run rampant, allowing the mob mentality to run the information which may or may not be made available. Without proper cause, many hosting services have bent to online tantrums, de-platforming businesses without cause.

It is critical to ensure you have a direct line to the consumers who interact with the business to avoid this. Without these second lines of contact, the mob may win, allowing cancel culture to prevail without proper due course.

To learn more, visit

Episode also available on Apple Podcast:

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