New Bitter Struggle Drives Wedge Between Failing Kamala, Biden & li'l Pete Bootyegg

2 years ago

The inevitable struggle for supremacy has arisen between the chief losers of an already doomed presidency. Who will be the next Dem presidential candidate – is probably an irrelevant point, already. But in a mad dash to the bottom, Biden has somehow bested Kamala by 10 points – 37% favorable to 27%. Yet, as Biden struggles to finish his thoughts, and while he's accused of losing all bowel control at key moments, it's now a foregone conclusion Joe won't run again.

Having dodged the border crisis, and normally found wherever there is no spotlight, Kamala has been a bain to Biden by refusing to pay any dividends for his betting on her. Harris avoided the Afghanistan debacle while filming a NASA commercial with kid actors. The result was another towering Kamala failure. She's now like a boxing ringer whose sole purpose is to provide an always predictable knockout for a real fighter. But now it's reported by CNN that Kamala is being dissed by Joe, which would kinda be like a feral dog beaten by a homeless man for not being house-broken.

So, one can only imagine a setting where Secy Transport Pete Buttiege is seen as a rising star. His astonishing abandonment of his post for months of Maternity Leave during an unprecedented supply chain crisis would have seemingly ruined any other high federal official. And yet his gay/veteran/Rhode Scholar resume' seems to have attracted coddling by a functionally inert and utterly indulgent mainstream media. So now the question remains, Does this lovable, rising star Dem, with the pinch of fairy dust and a smile like Alfred E. Neuman, have the cojones to brawl with the disaffected and star-crossed first Black, female VP?

Of course, the answer to this probably won't matter, anyway, given the unprecedented failure ol' Joe is brewing up daily. For, few are interested in the trivia question – Who was the best member of the worst administration in American history?

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