What You're Missing By Not Being A Paid Founder of ONPASSIVE

3 years ago

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Have you ever asked that question.
What if they are right about this ONPASSIVE thing.
Have you ever actually sat down and thought about it.
How over 1 Million people, from all walks of life, and from every corner of the planet, can get so excited about what they are involved in.

If you haven't, I suggest you should.
But what if we are in fact, right.

Imagine you took a shot at this.
You thought about it, and said to yourself, I can always get my money $97 back, so why not take a punt on it.
If indeed, we Founders are right about this, imagine how your life will be 12 or 18 months from now.

Just for simply taking a punch at it.
I have friends who spend the Foundership fee every weekend betting on horse racing and football bets.
They then leave the bookies to go buy a lottery ticket, before heading to a bar to blow another 80 quick.
Where has it ever gotten them.
I'm not having a go, as I have done it for years myself.
But these friends are my age, they are not young men anymore.
They deserve much better in life.
And this is exactly what I and other Founders who care are doing.
We are wanting to bring them with us.

I would like to think of my friends would do the same for me, if rolls were reversed.

So think about it.
What if they're right.

All I can say to you, is we are right.
I've never been more right about anything in my entire life.

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