GOD revealed HIS Heart and said this!🔺️ #Jesus #God #endtimes #ark #rapture #faith #prayer #Share

3 years ago

The earth will not be flooded again. This message is symbolic of Salvation. The Bible says that in the end-times it will be "like in the days of Noah", where people will be caught unprepared when the Rapture happens. Ark is symbolizing Covenant with Jesus, Yahshua. It symbolizes being ready for when the Rapture happens.

🚩Matthew 24:37-39
"But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,
and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." 🚩

In 2016 GOD Almighty audibly and with a Vision called me to deliver His Messages. Our Heavenly FATHER said "I Am Calling you as prophet to the nations. To Deliver My Messages".

The LORD GOD Almighty has been showing me prophetic dreams and visions and delivering messages of what is happening and what is to come.

Out of Obedience and LOVE for our Father and for His people, I am delivering His Messages.

Jesus Christ, Yahshua, is the only way to Heaven. Heaven and Hell are real places. GOD Almighty has shown me Hell and Heaven.

Jesus Christ, Yeshua is Alive and HE will very Soon Redeem those who are ready for HIM.

Repent and Turn to Jesus Christ, Yeshua before it is too late.

We are living in the end-times, Bible Prophecies are being fulfilled rapidly!
This is the Last Generation.

Subscribe also on:

www.YouTube.com (Manoela England Prophetic Messages)

www.BitChute.com (Search endtimesprophecies777)

I also post in Portuguese on YouTube at this channel (click on link below) please share with anyone who understands Portuguese.
All Glory belongs GOD.
Link: https://youtube.com/channel/UCNjxkOUyAX7i9Zuhnid6lhQ

#Prophecy #Rapture #Endtimes #Government #earthquake #volcano #Antichrist #Dream #Vac #Vision #Angel #Prophetic #prophet #encouragement #Faith #Jesus #Prayer #HolySpirit #Heaven #Hell #Peace #Scriptures #Revelation #miracles #Signs #Worship #Praise #GOD #Repent #Bible

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