The Hilltop Youth: Essential to Israel's survival (Chaim Ben Pesach JTF video)

2 years ago

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If Israel allows the creation of an independent "Palestinian" state in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, it would be national suicide, G-d forbid. Israel's new borders would be only 6 to 9 miles wide. Even the extreme left-wing former Foreign Minister of Israel, Abba Eban, called these borders "Auschwitz lines". And even Israel's former socialist Labor Party Prime Minister Golda Meir said that any Jew who supported such a plan would have to be a "traitor".

Unfortunately, such a terrorist state is being created on the ground right now. Massive illegal building funded by the European Union, the Arab League and the "Palestinian" Authority is creating an independent state in everything but name. If this continues, the terrorist state will become inevitable and unstoppable.

The only Jews who are seriously challenging this insanity on the ground are the Hilltop Youth - hundreds of Jewish heroes who have settled on dozens of strategic hilltops throughout Judea and Samaria. These hilltop communities create a Jewish presence that prevents Israel's enemies from building a contiguous terrorist state. If the hilltop youth were not there, Israel's enemies would seize these vital areas and choke off Jewish settlements. Which is why the first thing that is demanded of Israel by her enemies in any negotiations is the removal of the Hilltop Youth.

We are the only organization financially supporting the Hilltop Youth. There is no cause more vital to the very existence of Israel and the Jewish people than this. We appeal to all Jews and righteous Gentiles to help us now before it is too late.

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