J.B. Handley | Openly and Honestly about Your Health | Episode 4 (Est sub)

2 years ago

Truth to light!

The fourth part of the series of interviews "Openly and Honestly About Your Health" with J. B. Handley.

Mr Handley is probably one of the most erudite, conscious and relentless activists fighting for children's health and safety. He has been the leader of this front for 15 years and has fought against the pharmaceutical cartel.

Handley is a co-founder of Generation Rescue and the father of an autistic child with a vaccine injury. His work "How to End the Autism Epidemic" was published in Estonian in 2019.

In his interview, Handley provides a wealth of scientific evidence linking vaccines to autoimmune diseases and neurological problems in children. He talks about both existing and future studies comparing the health of vaccinated and non-vaccinated children, the results of which are shocking to say the least.

Unvaccinated children are much healthier than their vaccinated peers, but unfortunately this research is not recognized by doctors, the pharmaceutical industry or the mainstream media.

Every future and current parent - please listen to Handley's interview, read his book "How to End the Autism Epidemic" and then decide for yourself if you still believe that vaccines are safe and effective.

The series of interviews is published by the Estonian Parents of Vaccine Injured Children.


Tõde päevavalgele!

Intervjuudesarja „Otse ja ausalt sinu tervisest“ neljas osa J. B. Handleyga.

J. B. Handley on tõenäoliselt üks suurima analüüsivõimega erudeeritud, teadlik ning laste tervise ja ohutuse eest võitlev raugematu aktivist. Ta on selle rinde liider olnud juba 15 aastat ning pidanud rusikavõitlust farmaatsiakartelli vastu.

Handley on organisatsiooni Generation Rescue kaasasutaja ja vaktsiinikahjustusega autistliku lapse isa. Tema teos „Kuidas peatada autismiepideemia“ ilmus eesti keeles 2019. aastal.

Oma intervjuus toob Handley hulganisti teaduslikke tõendeid, mis seostavad vaktsiine laste autoimmuunhaiguste ja neuroloogiliste probleemidega. Ta räägib nii olemasolevatest kui tulevastest uuringutest, mis võrdlevad vaktsineeritud ja vaktsineerimata laste tervist ning mille tulemused on pehmelt öeldes šokeerivad.

Vaktsineerimata lapsed on palju tervemad kui nende vaktsineeritud eakaaslased, aga paraku ei tunnista neid teadusuuringuid ei arstid, farmaatsiatööstus ega peavoolumeedia.

Iga tulevane ja praegune lapsevanem – palun kuula Handley intervjuud, loe tema raamatut „Kuidas peatada autismiepideemia“ ja otsusta siis ise, kas usud endiselt, et vaktsiinid on ohutud ja efektiivsed.

Intervjuudesarja annab välja Eesti Vaktsiinikahjustusega Laste Vanemate ühing.

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