11-15-21 Pandemic Taskforce? Germ-games? Bio-Terrorism? [Prophecy Update]

3 years ago

Is there another pandemic crisis coming? Is there another pandemic coming. The interesting thing is that the global elites seem to always announce what is coming next. What are the things that they are saying that we should be possibly preparing for. Well terms like Pandemic task force are being used in preparing for future pandemic, Germ-games where the WHO war games pandemics, and bio-terrorism in which they are anticipating bio-weapons being used on people and nations. Where is this all coming from…is it them simply trying to prepare for what hypothetically might happen or are they really preparing for something that they themselves might introduce on the world but pretend it was an accident or some type of terroristic when in fact it actually came from them. Do we have precedent to say this.

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