USA: Ban requiring employees to get COVID and other shots Bill

3 years ago

DR. CHRISTINA PARKS on 2021 House Bill 4471: Ban requiring employees to get COVID and other shots

The Michigan House Committee on Workforce, Trades, and Talent held a committee hearing last week on House Bill 4471, which would prohibit employers — including hospitals and health systems — from mandating vaccines or masks in the workplace.

The prohibition would include the COVID-19 vaccine, the influenza vaccine, and the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccine.

Introduced by Rep. Sue Allor (R):
To prohibit employers from requiring an employee to get a vaccination for flu, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (“TDAP") or COVID-19, or treating an employee who doesn’t get the shot any different than those who do, including making him or her wear a face mask.

These both time-out for me (censorship?)

Official Text and Analysis:

PDF version of the bill:

List of those opposed to bill:

See also:

Katie Kirn RN’s testimony on Michigan HB 4471
Told she would be fired for asking questions about the mandate:

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