"Keep Your Eye on the Prize", (1st Tim 6:1-2), 2021-11-14, Longbranch Community Church

3 years ago

In perhaps the most frank discussion of Christianity’s role within the issue of slavery I’ve ever heard, Pastor John brings humility, truth & honesty to the table. And, as repugnantly ugly as it was, what does God want from us today? Two things: #1) He wants us to honestly engage with the entirety of scripture & #2) He wants us to keep Our Eyes on the Prize, …That is to say: “God’s honor and dignity is paramount.”

Scripture is clear: The Gospel of Jesus Christ is directly opposed to the concept of slavery. The fact that it was condoned and even encouraged – for centuries, and even by Christians – can “only” be dealt with at the foot of the Cross.

Praise God for preachers who “…truly and courageously lead with genuine humility & frank honesty.” Today’s message was taken from 1st Timothy 6:1-2, and begins promptly at the 10min/02 second mark. Lastly, as an added bonus, there is an incredibly special, yet completely impromptu, whistled treat beginning at exactly 52min/05seconds!!!

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