Sodom 4 Days of Noah

3 years ago

This video is a continuation of Gods prophecy (See the rest of Sodom series on this channel). It is not our intent to condemn anyone for we have no such hell to put anyone in. Our goal is to show that Gods moral law which has been given to all of us. Even in the days of Noah. They did not have a Bible, but they did have Gods law of right and wrong put on their hearts. All of us were born into sin and no one is better than another. Our goal is to point to Christ who is the savior of the world. The fight against sin has nothing to do with liberation from societal views, but against the law of right and wrong that God has placed on our hearts. It was proven that Noah's ark was found, and a flood destroyed this earth. There is a creator and we are his creation. We have free will but when we understand what God did for us by giving his own son, we will see that our free will should not be to rebel against God, but to serve him in love. We sometimes are so worried about ourselves and are selfish we don't realize what we do, affects more than just us... even God. Because we have denied God's order the family unit is unbalanced and out of control. The LGBT movement was only the beginning. It has opened the door to pedophilia. Jesus explained in Matthew 12:45 that spirits invite more spirits. There is a spirit behind ALL sin. So when you accept one (put into law) you open the door for other sin. The goal of this video is not to point at who is sinning, because all of us can point at ourselves. The goal is to point at Christ who has said what is sin and what is not. To point at his saving grace that can fill all emptiness, wipe every tear and comfort the depressed, lost and abandoned. The goal of this video is to expose sin so that we understand the power of God is what we need to turn from it. Jesus says.. you have been healed now go and sin no more. Make no mistake, talking about sin is not condemnation. it is righteous judgement, which the Bible says is ok.

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