Ooh🤭 extreme love🥰🥰😍😍by Romeo 😎

3 years ago

🙏hello Rumblers ,

They give each other “dog kisses” in displays of affection and friendship. ... These dogs know and trust each other. They also look out for each other: A dog who excessively licks the muzzle of his canine pal may be doing this because the dog has a tumor, cut or other medical need that requires attention and treatment.

According to dog trainer, Victoria Stilwell, ''Why is the dog licking? Right from birth that is how the mother communicates with her new puppies, how she stimulates them to start breathing and how she cleans them when they are born, so it's very important to the survival of puppies. In the wild and in domestic dogs, you'll find they will lick around the mother's mouth as newborns and puppies still retain that instinct. It's also sort of a submissive gesture — the more subordinate members of a pack will lick the more dominant members and that's important in maintaining pack harmony.”

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