VIDEO - The HERESY of sedevacantism and WHY the Seat of St. Peter is NOT empty...

3 years ago

The HERESY of sedevacantism and WHY the Seat of St. Peter is NOT empty...this pernicious heretical diabolical lie, concocted by the enemies of the true Catholic Church, in order to help the devil, their master, to destroy the trust in the ultimate mercy of our Lord, the Divine Redeemer and Founder of the genuine Roman Catholic Church, and also to eliminate the necessary hope in our Lord's help to His Church, when this Holy See is attacked by such devilish fabricated lie these sedevacantist heretics are very actively disseminating... But the Roman Catholic Church in Her infallible doctrine, which has been long ago decreed and published as fully binding in conscience, stands protected and remains under Her Supreme Head, which is not the excommunicated APOSTATE layman idolater with communist connections Jorge Bergoglio, nor his “predecessors” as far back as 1962 AD, but the true Vicar of Christ our Lord, this true Sovereign Pontiff, and unceasingly so, because this same Divine Institution Roman Catholic Church teaches it so...this publication explains the more necessary details of this doctrine and why it is that sedevacantism is nothing but a diabolical heretical lie, leading souls nowhere else but to Hell...!

THEREFORE...there is no other remedy for this evil BUT to be (or to become) truly Catholic, to recognize the truth, by the grace of God, and to be willing to convert and amend, to fully repent, to be admitted into the bosom of this true Roman Catholic Church, which is truly Divine Institution founded by God our Lord Jesus Christ, for the salvation of all men, to be taught, governed, sanctified and saved for all eternity, and outside of Which, this same true Catholic Church, of Which our Lord placed Us, His unworthy witness, His Vicar on Earth, outside of this Church there is absolutely no salvation !


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