Toronto mayor John Tory is keen to sell kids the covid jab at schools and family docs

3 years ago

After Remembrance Day 2021, Toronto Mayor John Tory was so keen to sell 200,000 kids between the ages of five and 11 that he waited not for the approval of Health Canada to begin plans to sell kids on the jab against covid19. He involved both public and Catholic school boards, as well as family physicians in his no-holds barred roll-out. It is worthwhile to note that this involved co-operation from at least two separate provincial ministries (Education and Health) as well as his own municipal leadership plus the co-operation of the Health Canada regulators who give their seal of approval (or not) for the gene therapy product.

Mr Mayor remarks that some clowns in superhero costumes will be drafted in to pacify reluctant children.

We note here that the approval process in the instant case lacks any public input, in contradistinction to the Environmental approval process (for eg mines and industrial plants) which can last two years or more. It seems we care more about the external environment than we do about Canadian children.

This is galling to some of us, especially because Big Pharma takes full advantage of the rubes at Health Canada to submit not a full disclosure package but only a partial one that has the effect of masking the very real and worrisome side effects of the proposed product.

Credit instagram's @6ixnewzz with this story.

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