The Unvaccinated are the Enemy?... Dope.

2 years ago

“I don’t care about your political beliefs,” the “Rock and Roll All Nite” singer said while discussing canceling tour dates earlier this year when he and fellow bandmate Paul Stanley tested positive with so-called breakthrough cases of the coronavirus after being vaccinated and a guitar tech for the group reportedly died.


“You are not allowed to infect anybody just because you think you’ve got rights that are delusional,” Simmons, 72, said.

“You don’t have the right to go through a red light — actually the government has the right to tell you to stop,” he continued.

“If they tell you you can’t smoke in a building, you can’t smoke in a building. And that’s not because they want to take away your rights — that’s because the rest of us hate it. We don’t want to smell your smoke.”

“I don’t want to catch your disease,” Simmons added. “I don’t want to risk my life just because you want to go through a red light. This whole idea, this delusional, evil idea that you get to do whatever you want and the rest of the world be damned is really terrible.”

Simmons shredded both Democrats and Republicans as “evil” for spreading what he described as “all kinds of nonsense.”

“I don’t like either one of them. Politics are the enemy. Humanism and humanity is what we should all be concerned about. Love thy neighbor as thyself,” Simmons said.

“For God’s sakes, if I’m going to yawn in your presence, I’m going to put my hand up in front of my mouth,” he said. “Yawning is not a life threatening event. You having COVID might be a life threatening event, and I don’t want to catch it.”

Citing the worldwide death toll of more than 5 million people due to COVID-19, according to Johns Hopkins University data, Simmons likened coronavirus deniers to “Flat Earth Society people.”

“No bitch, they died because they got COVID.”

In seemingly a reference to Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, who made misleading comments about his vaccination status, Simmons said, “I don’t care if you play football or not — stay away from evil people who don’t care about your health.”

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