God Revealed in Nature

3 years ago

I have often found that getting alone in nature gives me a great opportunity to unplug and focus on God. There is something about disconnecting from the distractions of modern technology, away from the demands of work or family, and away from the stress and anxiety from 24x7 news cycles, that brings me peace.

I like to call these little walks “hiking with Jesus”, and I have found that some of my best prayer times are when I get alone in nature, quiet my soul, and share my heart with Him. I like to imagine that he is right here beside me, walking and talking with me, and enjoying the beauty of creation together with me. After all, Jesus told his followers, “I will be with you always, even until the end of the age”

I hope you will take the time to detach from the world in your own way, to find your quiet place, and connect with Jesus, the creator of all things. And the next time you gaze at the peacefulness of the ocean, or observe the cleverness of a hummingbird, or marvel at the magnificence of a sunset, remember how it reflects the glory of God. And remember to take the time to thank him! God Bless!

Today's hike was at Horseshoe Farm Nature Preserve in Wake Forest, NC.

Prayer Support:
If you have questions or need prayer, please leave a comment in this video, or send a private email message to: hikingwithjesus@protonmail.com

Scripture References
* Matthew 28:20
* Colossians 1:16
* John 1:3
* Romans 1:20
* John 7:37-38
* John 1:11-13
* Hebrews 13:8

About Hiking with Jesus
Hiking With Jesus is a channel all about learning how to get closer to Jesus while experiencing the beauty of creation through solo hiking. By hiking through nature with a Christian perspective, we glorify God by honoring him as our creator. As we quiet our souls and listen to his still small voice, we learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus… that is, what it means to follow Jesus and what our life can look like by abiding in Christ.

As a Christian YouTuber, I hope to show you how to get closer to God by taking you with me on these virtual hikes in nature. Whether you are a hiker or not, I hope to inspire you to find your own quiet place and where you can pursue God, share your heart with him, and let him lead you by the spirit.

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