Bad Vaccine Mandate Moon Rising Cover

3 years ago

The ccr song bad moon rising aptly describes our current situation in 2021. Cover was done in 2007.

Everyone is being told lie after lie after lie after lie by the mass media, drug producers, cdc, biden regime and others who seem hell bent on destroying America and your health by forcing you to get the deadly covid-19 experimental vaccine that is given in the United States.

We are constantly being told by the drug companies and the biden regime that the experimental "vaccine" is safe and effective.

It has been proven time after time this is NOT true but a total lie!

The vaccine madness craze continues like an army of covid-19 vaccinated people who have lost their empathy abilities push everyone to get the experimental "vaccine" no matter what.

Everywhere alternative information about the unsafe and uneffective vaccines is being constantly suppressed.

There truly is a bad vaccine moon rising. | | | | |

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