Eric Imker Candidate Mayor Peachtree City

2 years ago

Eric Imker will work to keep Peachtree City’s conservative values and village concept.

He voted NO to rezoning Industrial for more Residential housing knowing it will increase traffic in our key problem areas, his opponent voted YES.

He was the only one who voted NO to clear cutting 86 acres of land along the railroad track to allow more dense pack housing, his opponent voted YES.

He does NOT support commercializing every empty lot of land in our city.

He has proposed actual solutions for improving traffic flow now. His opponent dreams about a Bypass around Peachtree City that is at least 15-20 years away.

He has the proven knowledge of how to implement a successful budget.

Vote for Eric Imker, our Conservative representative for Mayor.

Though Eric Imker never graduated high school, he had already completed 3 semesters of college Calculus and was doing Differential Equations at age 15.

He was accepted into San Jose State University, CA with an academic scholarship.

He now has advanced degrees in Engineering, Computer Systems and Program Management.

Eric is an retired disabled decorated Air Force veteran.

Eric's Air Force career is as dynamic as anyone could possibly imagine.

He was the program manager for Space Shuttle mission #39, a Star Wars program on the STS Discovery.

He also managed a $1B Star Wars satellite program and launched multi million dollar Star Wars experimental rockets out of Alaska, Hawaii, California, New Mexico and Florida.

He was a candidate for Dean of Engineering at Baker College in Michigan.

Eric finds ways to get things done instead of finding reasons not to.

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