Israeli Health Minister Wants Daily COVID Testing on Infants

2 years ago

Israeli Health Minister Wants Daily COVID Testing on Infants

Nov. 8, 2021

On this episode of CHD.TV's "The Jerusalem Report," host Ilana Rachel Daniel visited demonstrations, protests and rallies to hear the voices of the Israeli people.

On the latest episode of CHD.TV's "The Jerusalem Report," host Ilana Rachel Daniel presented the latest news about Israel's COVID policy, and took to the streets to interview members of the Israeli community on being part of a growing resistance against those policies.

Daniel reported that Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz is promoting the expansion of the green class pilot, an experiment to test the effectiveness of polymerase chain reaction, or PCR tests, on children ages 0 to 3. The new course of action will require daily testing for infants.

"Preparations for the next in line," she said.

Daniel also discussed Israel's decision to administer the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine to people who experienced adverse reactions to the Pfizer COVID vaccine, even though 18 other countries have banned the AstraZeneca vaccine because it's been linked to blood clots. This means Israel will no longer exclusively contract with Pfizer.

To find out what the Israeli people think about the country's policies and COVID response, Daniel interviewed numerous people, young and old, at several protests and community rallies across Israel.

Yair Biran, a lawyer and singer, told a crowd of protesters, "We are discriminating. The state of Israel is discriminating by law, between Jews in the land of Israel, between civilians in the land of Israel." Meanwhile protesters sang in Hebrew, "Slaves we were, now we are free."

An elderly woman shared a photo of a sign she found in a shop window, "No entry to dogs and no entry to the people who are not vaccinated."

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