18th Century Brazier on the Diablo Trail

3 years ago

Called "The Devil's Trail", and for good reason, Dozens of gravesites line the trail, many of them flat landers that traveled the trail and perished due to the unforgiving and harsh realities of the trail. It ain’t all bad on the trail, we are gonna cook up some meat on an 18th century Camp Broiler also called a brazier, the squared base holds coals and it has a hinged grill for cooking. Arrachera is marinated grilled flank or skirt steak. You have to marinate it like crazy because it is tough but done right, it is super tender and juicy. Arrachera is usually served as a "steak" with sides. Carne Asada simply means grilled beef - usually sirloin or diez millo- mainly served cut very thin.

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