The Dragonfly Power Animal

3 years ago

Welcome to the world of power animals. The power of animals is that they share their gifts to bring us enlightenment. Humans have a lot to learn from the many different creatures that have been living on the earth for a long time. Today we’ll look at the dragonfly.

Appearing over 325 million years ago, today there are more than 3,000 species of dragonflies. They begin their life in water as nymphs, growing by molting slowly for up to 2 years until finally emerging as fully grown flying dragonflies. They have 2 sets of wings with each of their 4 wings moving independently, which allows them to change direction quickly. They have incredible speed and accuracy to catch insects in the air. The dragonfly has exceptional agility, stamina, and speed. Dragonflies have a 360-degree vision and can see in every direction. They adapt well to their environment, displaying different iridescent colors. They look like flying jewels when they swoop, hover, and dive. They are independent, energetic, and lightning fast.

The optimistic dragonfly brings messages of love and hope to give people a positive outlook. Gentle but intense, their determination and hard work makes them unbeatable. The colorful dragonfly reflects light and joy from higher sources. They’re connected to nature’s fairy realm which gives them a magical energy.

Dragonflies are a symbol for transformation, good luck, and wisdom. They support others who feel challenged by then bringing them joy and lightness. Call on the spirit of the dragonfly when you feel blocked from experiencing happiness. To learn more, check our website and get a free power animal reading.

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