11-11-21 9atNight with Christine and Ray: Current Topic: "It's All About The Money"

3 years ago

Tonight topics (Listen to the entire hour). In Ray L. Patterson's own words:

"The Democrats are panicking after the vote on Tuesday, November 2nd. Virginia, home of Jefferson and other Great Founding Fathers, went Red that night prompting the left ot go into full=blown attack mode. But to what end? Let's take a look...."

"...Cause and effect...Physics 101...Fake News is purposely designed to alter your mind and thus the way you think. It's propaganda of the highest order. Think Joseph Gobles of Nazi Germany during 1933-1939. See the similarities?....."

"...News Flash...A lot of the problems in American society right now would sort themselves out if most people would just tune out the Fake News Media and get off their Big Tech platforms. People may not think they are being affected by it all, but when you really think it through, they are...."

"...Hold the Line, The Enemy Within Is Cracking...."

"...The enemy seeks to convince you the battle was already lost long ago, that any effort you now make at fighting them is wasted and will be futile..."

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