Kyle Rittenhouse Trial: Worse than in Comedy

3 years ago

Andrew Branca of Legal Insurrection:

Then we hit the “My Cousin Vinny” point in the cross. For those of you who are sadly unfamiliar with the best law-themed movie ever produced, two young men find themselves mistaken for murderers. When told by police that they are suspected of having killed someone, one of the men bursts out, in question form, “I killed someone?” This would later be read in court as if it were a statement of confession, rather than an outburst of bewilderment.

In this real-life trial, it turns out that someone had accused Kyle to his face, on the street, of having pointed a gun at him. Knowing that he’d never done that, Kyle responded sarcastically, “Yeah, I pointed a gun at you,” and immediately turned around and walked away from a situation that could have been escalated.

Now, in court, Binder presented this sarcastic remark as if it were a statement of fact, and characterized Kyle’s denial of the statement being made seriously as a lie.

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