President Of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro Confronts WHO Chief: ‘People Are Dying After the Second Dose'

3 years ago

Jair Bolsonaro in conversation with WHO's chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Bolsonaro is of course right that in most countries, the 'cure' of the measures of mass destruction, such as lockdowns, is worse than the disease. Not do the measures have extremely negative side effects, but any positive effects on COVID disease is neutralized by the extra stress. Said differently, the measures are all pain and no gain.

Tedros is against vaccine passports and mandates because in many countries, "access to the vaccines is low". This is a partial explanation at best and misses the most important point. Vaccination mandates, especially with experimental vaccines (for a disease that has an infection fatality rate similar to a severe flu) that don't prevent transmission and have marginal and waning benefit against serious disease, is both unethical and illogical. It is contrary to the Nuremberg Code and Declaration of Helsinki.

Tedros also says "requiring the certificate could be discrimination". This is of course true. A "passports please" society brings back memories of the Nazi's and vaccine mandates will make the unvaccinated the new Jews, the new 'Untermenschen' (subhumans). Requiring vaccines to go about your daily life will make the government the new (Nazi doctor) Josef Mengele, also known as the Angel of Death.

To Bolsonaro's comment that in Brazil, many people are getting COVID even after the second dose, Tedros answers that the vaccines do not prevent COVID, but it does prevent serious illness and death. Bolsonaro counters that many fully vaccinated people are still dying of COVID. Tedros answers that this may be due to comorbidities. This is true, but this was the whole point of the vaccines. The low risk group does not need protection. The high risk group DOES need protection, and the vaccines only provide marginal and fast waning amounts of this protection.

Vaccine mandates should be out of the question, and vaccine mandates for children are even worse. They are pure medical tyranny.

The media deem any information that the vaccines may not be safe, not durable, not efficacious or not strictly necessary 'misinformation'. This shows that (almost) all regular media are completely untrustworthy and complicit in propaganda.


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