We are on the precipice of the mass murder of 5-11 year-olds

3 years ago

Open Letter to U.S. Special Forces and SOCOM

“We are on the precipice of the mass murder of 5-11 year-olds.”

If you serve in Special Forces, SOCOM or the Intel Community and you are still somehow unsure about what is happening, please contact us and we will brief you on a mountain of evidence proving systemic Crimes Against Humanity that have already resulted in over 500,000 unnecessary American deaths and well over a million people suffering serious health issues.

Over 12,000 doctors and scientists have now officially signed an evidence-based Physicians Declaration accusing COVID policy-makers of “Crimes Against Humanity.”

The imminent approval of proven harmful immune system degrading mRNA nanotech injections for OUR CHILDREN is a red line that we will not allow to be crossed, by any means necessary.

This must stop now.

"I am going to put my life energy on a single focus"
"Genocide attack"

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