Tucker Carlson Tonight 11 Nov 21

2 years ago

Our seemingly out of control economy being managed (and I use that term loosely) by the IIC's bureaucrats is the subject of tonight's monologue. Be sure to watch Corie Bush, the newest squad member, declare that fossil fuels are...wait for it...RACIST. She along with the rest of the DPP loser in charge of the greatest nation on earth are so out of touch, so delusional that it beggars belief. Ned Ryun from the American Majority joins Tucker to break it down for us.
Edward Durr the surprise winner (the surprise was that the incumbent couldn't steal it back) of the recent state senate election in NJ speaks with Tucker about his agenda.
An interview with Drew Hernandez, a reporter for the Daily Caller who witnessed the Rittenhouse shootings joins Tucker to discuss the riots and his testimony. Also, William Kelly, the former Norfolk VA police officer who ANYOMOUSLY donated 25 bucks to the Rittenhouse Defense Fund was outed and fired joins Tucker to explain his case. He is going to be much richer and Norfolk is going to be much poorer when this is over.
Liz Cheney is a POS.
Finally, Batya Ungar-Sargon (really) an editor at Newsweek of all places, joins Tucker to discuss her new book lambasting the Woke left and her defenestration of the Eunich on CNN. This was fun.

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