The Ultimate Covaxx Game Changer

3 years ago

Dr. Janci Lindsay has a PhD in molecular biology, specializes in toxicology and has solid experience in vaccine-development. Extensive knowledge and experience developed over the past thirty years results in her being highly-qualified to know and understand widely-unknown and unrealized characteristics of vaccines - and, especially the falsely-named, Covid-19 "vaccines" too-hastily concocted and insufficiently animal-tested to even remotely be considered 'safe' for use in human beings.

What Dr. Lindsay reports in this video will once and for all obliterate the arguments in favour of the Covid-19 "Jab"and convincingly lays bare the immoral - in fact *pure evil* - murderous fraud being perpetrated upon millions of people worldwide.

For Australians and New Zealanders especially, Dr. Lindsay's words will trumpet that never has there been greater evidence of the critical urgency for all citizens to stand against the Covid-excuse-driven, fascist totalitarianism that has so quickly, so dangerously and and so socially-destructively manifested in their countries.

Everybody, whether having been JABBED ("vaccinated") or refusing to be, needs to pay serious attention to THAT WHICH THEY DO NOT KNOW being provided by this genuine, honest and fully *independent* expert.
As she firmly, provably and 100% correctly asserts, we and our nation's children are - yes, unbelievably - facing DEATH or SLAVERY if we do not unite to push back and stop what has long been planned and is now unfolding.
Dr. Lindsay - and many, many other scientific experts - describe those behind this utterly evil agenda as "psychopaths."
Who cannot recognize the psychopathic threat of their intentions within their unequivocal assertion that (quote) "You will own nothing"?
Who cannot understand the subtext of those words that...."we will, with brute force, take everything you own away from you"?
Who still does not realize that, given the suppressed data of skyrocketing deaths as a direct result of the PROVED deadly toxic Covid-JAB, the word "everything" has already, for vast numbers of naively trusting people, meant even their LIVES?
How can any sensible person not pay serious attention to Dr. Lindsay's astounding report via this video?

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