The Original Psyop: How The Freemasonic Globe Lie Began The Ascent Of The Globalists

3 years ago

In this incredibly well-researched documentary, Eric Dubay connects the dots on how the Freemasons were able to pull off the greatest psyop ever perpetrated on humanity. Despite all evidence to the contrary, the "secret-handshake club" was able to convince the majority of the population that we live on an insignificant spec of rock, floating through endless space, and in doing so they opened the doors for the unproven theories of the Big-Bang and Evolution to take root in the psyche of mankind.

Their psyop was so successful, that even people who consider themselves Christian accepted their globalist lie, even though it contradicts scripture. The Big-Bang convinces people that we are nothing but a cosmic accident, while at the same time Evolution says we are the descendants of apes. There has never been one iota of evidence to support any of these theories, and yet as a testament to the Globalist's success in corrupting the minds of men, the vast majority of people still believe them with an almost religious fervor.

Is it any wonder then, with a society so deceived that their faith in this lie overwrites what they can observe with their own eyes, that the Luciferian's decided it was time to launch their Covid-19 final assault upon humanity?

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