Peace for the Season | Book Review | Pastor Joel Osteen

3 years ago

This "Peace for the Season" book is going to help us put our focus on Jesus this season!

I picked up this book because I was looking for a Christmas-y book that can help us get into the Christmas spirit this year. With all that's going on, all the things we see and hear about, there's so much negativity.

But for us, as Jesus' disciples, He commands us to be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, to go to our Perfect Heavenly Father and present to Him all our requests - until we get the Peace of God!

Even though we will have tribulations, we don't have to stay focused on them - in fact, we are commanded to focus on Jesus and do what He says!

God bless you, abundantly!

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✅ When sorry isn’t enough (by Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Jennifer Thomas):

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