Mind Blowing! Dr. Martin Exposes The Great Reset & Covid Vaccine Agenda

3 years ago

A few weeks ago I attended the WeCanAct Liberty Conference in Salt Lake City. I heard some amazing speakers. From General Flynn, Jason Cisneros, to Leigh Dundas, but I was blown away by the speech and documentation provided by Dr. David Martin about the so called "vaccine" (which is nothing short of a bio-weapon) and the Great Reset.

He outlined in great detail using the law, EO's, patents, and other documents to show exactly what is going on with the Covid "vaccine" and the Great Reset.

I had picked up the book a couple weeks early written by Klaus Schwab, called, Covid 19 - The Great Reset. Klaus is a German economist who founded the World Economic Forum and is currently the Executive Chairman of the WEF speaks openly in his book about the things Dr. Martin covered in his speech that he has documented to prove exactly many of the things Klaus talks about in the book.

Dr. Martin goes over in great detail to prove that the Covid vaccine is a bio-weapon. Klaus Schwab and his evil cabal counterparts planned the Covid pandemic and bio-weapon for decades and Dr. Martin proves it.

Klaus and other evil globalists are using the Covid Jab to eradicate much of the Worlds population by committing genocide and mass murder. The adverse events and number of deaths aren't being covered by MSM. They are puppets to the Cabal and paid off by Soro's.

Think I'm crazy or a conspiracy theorist? Dr. Martin proves that's not the case. Bill Gates gave a Ted talk about using vaccines for depopulation back in 2010. Don't believe me, watch and listen to Bill for yourself here: https://youtu.be/oWxsEAmh85Q

It's time to wake up America. We've been enslaved by the Central banking system owned by the Cabal for over 100 hundred years. Evil has ruled this world for centuries. It's time we REAWAKEN to the facts and stop thinking this is too unbelievable to be true.

The only thing these evil people fear is, We The People. We must unite to with this war and put God back as the primary focus in our lives to win this spiritual battle that is raging.

United We Stand, Divided We Fall. One of Satan's best weapons is division. Look and pay attention to the many ways they do this to society and stop buying into it. We are brothers and sisters and have a lot more in common than they lead us to believe.

Use your common sense and God given intuition and stop listening to MSM and letting their narrative shape your beliefs. We can no longer be lazy and not do our own research or we'll lose our Country and Freedoms. As America goes so goes the world. We've got billions of our brothers and sisters counting on us. Stand up and speak up. Faith over Fear, Freedom over Fear.
Let's Go!!

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