Do These Even Work? Yes and No. Let me Explain Why!|⚛

3 years ago

This is a subject I've avoided for a while, because you're literally not allowed to express certain opinions on a certain platform that will remain nameless. Even if you're correct. I already stepped in that one with one video and I plan to avoid that in the future. Yes sorry people freedom of speech is dead and yes I have a video on that. But I think I've figured out a way to talk about this subject. I thought this would be a good subject to cover now as we go into the cold, flu and now Fauci Fever season. Sadly there has been a lot of actual misinformation out there on this subject. Given my background in Molecular Biology I've been itching to do a video on this. So do face rags work? Well they do and they don't, let me explain why!

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Dirty Face Rag Credit: GoToVan (Flickr)

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