Top 6 Unusual and Powerful Home 🌿 Remedies For Folliculitis

3 years ago

Top 6 Unusual and Powerful Home 🌿 Remedies For Folliculitis

Folliculitis is a painful infection of the hair #follicles caused by bacteria #Staphylococcus aureus penetrating inside the pores.
This leads to painful #pimples on the skin, in some areas of the body such as the scalp, arms, legs, back, buttocks, etc.

In addition to bacteria, other factors cause folliculitis: your skin is reacting to the fibers in your clothes. The folliculitis might appear on parts of the body where the hair is shaved or plucked.

In mild forms, folliculitis can be treated at home using natural remedies. Here are some natural ingredients that can help you get rid of folliculitis:

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