Gangstalking, Danielle Brooks and Meghan Markle

3 years ago

Gangatalking is satanic, directly connected to a special adrenochrome drip doled out by the military for local application to gangstalking participants every 25 years. Adrenochrome is mimicry to the promised living waters as described in the bible. Its the grade c immortality elixir of the gods culled from the blood of children farmed within deep underground military bases. Adrenochrome revitalizes youth and extends ones life albeit falsely. I've twice experienced the phenomenon of gangstalking or "community oriented policing" as its known to the general public which resulted in homelessness and destitution with suicide as ultimate goal. A target is covertly slapped with an illegal FISA and stripped of all Constitutional rights. Their home, auto, storage unit, computers and cellular are breached 24/7 as gangstalkers are given green light to escape any and all charges associated by these invasive crimes so long as a. they don't get caught on camera and b. they meet the objective which is to steal any and all historical photographs owned by a target that depict anyone in a targets life using adrenochrome. Photos prove timeline which they desperately work to destroy aiding illusion that said Target is mentally ill for reporting or complaining about said crimes when those who gangstalk are mentally deranged by bloodlust and would kill their own child for the overwhelming desperation that consumes them. Micah 3.3 When Jesus said, "I send you as sheep among wolves" that shit was literal. End times is here ya'll.

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