I'm Definitely A Woman - I Just Love My Beard | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

2 years ago

A WOMAN with excessive facial hair has ditched the razors to embrace her beard - and is calling on others to do the same. LaRae Perkins, 39, a chef and driver, who lives in Las Vegas, USA, already had full sideburns by the age of 12. Desperate to fit in at school, she would painstakingly shave them off. Then, in her mid-twenties, she was officially diagnosed with hirsutism - where a woman grows dark, coarse hair on her face or body. Finally having a name for her condition proved to be a turning point in LaRae's confidence. She said: "For so long I'd felt alone. The way people had reacted to me made me feel like they'd never seen anyone like me. Their ignorance was louder than their curiosity." Since then, she has grown out her beard and set up a blog called My Hair Is Me to empower other women with facial hair. While she now loves the way she looks and thinks of her beard as sexy, she still endures cruel comments from strangers and is often questioned on her gender. Sick of explaining herself, she launched a tongue-in-cheek range of t-shirts, emblazoned with the slogan, ‘Yes, I’m A Girl', alongside her wife Shae, 43, who owns a clothing line, Popbox Apparel. LaRae said: "The myths about the bearded lady are real - I'm not the only woman out here with facial hair. I want to use my platform to be a voice for us."

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