New Phone Moto G Stylus 5g

3 years ago

Went to get a new phone. Moto G Stylus 5g. I'm upgrading from the Moto G. It's a little bigger- and works over wi-fi which I need.

Love the camera-this video was done with the front camera. I always wait to get a new phone until I can't avoid it. The last time my Moto G stylus operating system updated I couldn't call over wi-fi... Which means 5 days a week I'm pretty much unreachable. Not good for running multiple businesses.

Welcome to Chris Bridges Writes. A vlog about being a generalist in a specialist's world.

I run several businesses with my husband @StraightArrowRepair this is our second channel.

I'll start showing the various businesses, let you in on the things I'm learning. May have some tutorials.

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