Big Dog Guards & Gently, Lovingly Checks Tiny Baby

2 years ago

Mister Brown The Rhodesian Ridgeback LOVES the whole family, especially the new baby who he staunchly stands by & guards and gently checks should the baby grizzle.
When you see Mister Brown's videos of how hard he plays with with the big man of the house and how gentle he is with the tiny new baby, you know we've been blessed with a typical, independent thinking Rhodesian Ridgeback.
Oh but don't panic, no we didn't just trust this big teenager of dog to be safe with the baby. It's been 2 weeks of slowly introducing him in our arms and gaging his behaviour (which has been outstanding), before he was allowed very closely supervised semi-free association and this has been his consistently steady behaviour.
We do love our animals but they are not human and the babies always come first; in this case, also first in the dog's instinct to gently watch over him.

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