Boat Flipper Buys a Cool Vintage Seabreeze Boat

3 years ago

Alan Helmer Buys a cool Vintage Seabreeze Boat. He has lots of plans for this boat so he pumped up the tires and towed her off! Check out the full episode at

The History of Seabreeze Boats from

Seabreeze Boats have been in the boat manufacturing business since 1988. Seabreeze Boats Inc. is the second incarnation of Fiberglass Works which continues to delight boaters with innovative designs and offers tremendous value.

Glen Meadus (president) purchased Fiberglass Works in 2003, bringing improved fiberglass boatbuilding techniques. Glen has exceptional experience in marketing fiberglass techniques and products to the boat manufacturing industry. This is where he learned from the experts - those that were building some of the best fiberglass boats in the world.

Glen set out for Seabreeze Boats to create a fishing boat with great offshore capabilities. He now expanding upon this objective by adding more of the comforts recreational boaters require. And still keep the 'north atlantic proven' design which allows one to stay out on the water when all else has headed to shore.

Glen and his team have created an everyman's boat - the ideal cottage boat, trailer boat, tow sports boat and fishing boat. With safety in mind, Seabreeze Boats are spacious enough to carry a family, light enough to be trailerable and fast enough to satisfy the most dedicated boater.

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