I Lost 110lbs - Look At Me Now | BRAND NEW ME

3 years ago

SINCE losing 50kg and battling Lipedema, a young woman from Germany finally feels confident in her own skin. Sina-Laureen Lange, 28, from Rostock, has struggled with her weight for years after being diagnosed with Lipedema, a disorder which causes an abnormal build-up of fat in the legs and arms, in 2017. The condition caused her so much pain that Sina couldn’t sleep at night, and she soon turned to food for comfort. At the beginning of 2020, Sina decided enough was enough. She told Truly: “I knew I had to change something, I couldn’t go on like this.” At her heaviest, Sina weighed 116kg. Now, after losing 50kg, she weighs 66kg. Before Sina embarked on her weight loss journey, she was often incredibly down about herself. “Mentally I was always sad and depressed,” she said. “Everyone around me noticed and because of that I’d eat more and more.” Sina struggled climbing the stars and was often out of breath, in part due to her Lipedema. However, since starting physiotherapy, her condition has improved. She uses a lymph-mat and compression tights as much as possible to combat her swollen arms and legs. At the beginning of 2020, she decided to take the first step to a healthier lifestyle, by changing her nutrition and exercising regularly. After initially losing 5kg, her confidence began to grow and now she can do the unthinkable. “Four years ago, I would never have worn a bikini as people would stare,” she said. “But today it’s not a problem, trust your goals and dreams.”
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