Afghanistan prefigured: AstraZeneca quackzine injury leaves US family penniless and broken

3 years ago

This came across my desk on 10 November 2021. It is an excerpt from US Senator Ron Johnson's informal hearing on covid19 quackzine injuries. My reservations and concern on the Johnson hearings have been noted elsewhere, search on Wallskog.

Utah mother-of-two Brianne Dressen volunteered to be a guinea pig in the FDA-supervised pharmaceutical trials of the Oxford-AstraZeneca AZD1222 Covishield Vaxzevria gene therapy jab product. Here she outlines her quackzine injuries, remarkable brick wall of silence from Federal agencies once she attempted to document her health problems and quite frankly terrifying ordeal. In sum, the three-letter agencies that were supposed to help her instead dropped her like a hot potato.

Dressen reads a suicide letter from a friend who was so adversely affected in the "trial" that she decided to take her own life.

I don't know how she made her speech with such composure. While there is a catch in her voice on more than a few occasions, she never fully breaks down. Her last paragraph, where she points out her abandonment, is both heartbreaking and powerful. It also marks a very significant inflection point in the history of the USA: the point in which the Republic first ran away from its own creation and left it in its death throes, Afghanistan prefigured.

The Dressen family have made other quackzine injury news stories, for example on Utah's KUTV, both in print and on television, see references [1] and [2].


Credit instagram's @I.willnotbesilenced21 for bringing this clip, which appears on YouTube, to wider attention.

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