Too Big For My Aeroplane Seat - But Look At Me Now! | BRAND NEW ME

3 years ago

A WOMAN who has maintained her 90lb weight loss for 15 years is now empowering thousands of women on their own wellness journey. Tameika Gentles, 34, weighed 230lbs at her heaviest and wasn’t able to go on theme park rides or fit into airplane seats. Tameika, who is from Toronto but currently lives in Germany, is now a certified personal trainer and wellness coach. Tameika told Truly: “I quit my corporate job to empower women on their journey, helping them take control of their health.” Tameika admits she has struggled with her weight most of her life. “My family loves food,” she said. “We’re of Jamaican descent so we would eat and we would eat well.” Fifteen years ago, Tameika decided enough was enough. After trying “every diet under the sun”, Tameika found a healthy balance of exercise and nutrition. She now trains four times a week and loves “the feeling of being empowered and strong and seeing what my body is able to do.” After she lost the weight, Tameika would advise friends and family on how to do the same. She soon realised she could turn that advice into paid advice, so she quit her job and got certified. “I started helping people one-on-one,” she said. “Our ethos is to help people lose weight the holistic and sustainable way.” When Tameika looks in the mirror today, she sees “a woman who has beaten the odds”, and is proud of maintaining her healthy lifestyle. “A lot of people lose weight but it’s harder to sustain it.”

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