Spot on Wednesday 11-10-21

3 years ago

Back in the day, prior to the advent of LI I found myself in that in-between place.

(Hard to imagine life before LI, huh?)

I reached out to a company that asked me to take a PI test prior to furthering the pursuit of an open position in the NW US. From my perspective a new career in that direction had me intrigued and believing I was at the top of my game at the time, I felt pretty comfortable with their ask.

Low and behold a few days later with no instruction was a document envelop with a single page printed front and back and a returned addressed envelope stamped and ready to go. One question at the top of each side and a palette of colorful words identical on both sides.

Attempts to contact the sender that day were unsuccessful so, I did what lead me to that moment, I made peace with the questions by circling the answer.

Weeks passed, then months, then after nearly forgetting about the incident I finally had this aha moment while sitting at the desk of my new employer (not them) wondering why that moment in time was so connected to that moment and dropping the results of the PI into the USPS drop box just months before.

I was promised a result regardless to an apparent conclusion on their part.

An understanding of why they required this step.

None ever came, there was no follow up, there was no thanks but no thanks.

Then like mentioned before it dawned on me I was the victim of the false positive. #dbrn

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